

Justin Cunard

Anything is possible.  This is a phrase my mentor uses with me. I have a drive to help you find all the boxes you put yourself in, make the decision to get out of the box, and move on with your life. I believe trauma has a way of whittling its way into all sorts of areas in our lives, often creating those boxes.  Whatever the cause, I am passionate about helping those who identify with the idea of being an outsider. Maybe you felt you never fit in, or everyone else is different, despite your successes. I had that same t-shirt for a long time.   I thoroughly enjoy walking you through a healing process to help you level up your power, control, voice, and decision-making abilities. 

My commitment as a therapist comes from my own journey. My story was littered with abuse, addictions, fear, anxiety, depression, suicidal seasons, and just an overall sense of loneliness (I don’t belong). I crashed and burned around age 27. This began a season I refer to as “the desert”. I was stripped of everything. Around age 29 I began my therapy process and that continued until my mid 30s. You see, I had reached a place in my life where I was no longer willing to stay the same. I had to change because I knew I wouldn’t see 30 if I didn’t. At that point, I did not care if my counselor suggested I stand on my head and rotate clockwise for an hour. I would have done it. I was ready to change. The amount I have grown is astronomical and I don’t believe that is special to just me. I believe this amount of growth and change is possible for you. 

I have and am willing to work with people from all faith backgrounds.  When working with those who share my Christian beliefs, I have found that using the Trinity as our perfected family is an amazing way to heal the spirit, soul, and body.  This is an avenue available for healing if you choose to explore it.

I have a background in construction, automotive and EMT school.  I went to college 3 times, completing my bachelor’s degree in just a shade over 13 years. I was the last cousin in my family to get a degree, but became the first to get a master’s degree. I have taken some winding roads through life and they have taught me numerous lessons. I share it because this history impacts the style with which I approach therapy. I have often said to people: as a mechanic it wouldn’t make sense for me to give you a quart of oil every Monday. It would be far more efficient to handle the leak and send you on your way. This is how I approach therapy – I want to guide you in handling the ultimate issue, not just slapping a band aid on. I love listening to your stories, allowing you to share a wide range of information and then synthesizing your words into patterns, themes and messages. My wife says I am a polka dot thinker, and this polka dot approach allows me to take in quite a bit of information and then filter it to find root causes in the overarching story. 

My proudest accomplishment is being married. I love my wife. If anyone knew my story; the behind-the-scenes-real-deal-story, you would know how monumental a feat it was that I even got married and have an awesome marriage. I am a Caucasian male who is married to a Jamaican wife which has given me a unique awareness of the racial challenges that face many today. Over the years I have had to open my eyes to the differences that exist in this world for those outside of my ethnic circle. I find that being open to conversation and learning in this area also allows me to hold space for those who have been marginalized to have healing conversations with one who looks like the current majority. 

For fun I love gardening, planting fruit trees, building things, watching the Buffalo Bills (I won’t see clients who are Patriots fans, (just kidding…kinda :), travel, hanging with my one-eyed cat Kameko, and eating. I have aspirations to attain my pilot’s license so I can pretend to be in the movie Top Gun.

Justin’s License

Andrea Tackore Cunard

My heart’s desire is to facilitate your mental and emotional freedom.  I love creating the space and processes for you to discover your true self and to create healthy relationships from that place of authenticity.  I enjoy helping you apply all of this to the workplace as well – whether identifying your calling or building a healthy culture for those you lead.  

I’m known for creating accessible processes for healing and development within a warm, no-judgment relationship.  It started with earning my master’s degree in counseling back in 2003.  My unplanned discovery of counseling when I lost my mother had inspired me to return to school as a young mom to pursue this profession.  Life was full of blessings but also included a difficult marriage, a beautifully complex daughter with a chronic illness, confronting the details of my own adoption history which had never been discussed, facing the cultural ramifications of being a first generation adult in the US (coming from Jamaica), then losing my daughter and a few years later, my marriage.  By the grace of God, I managed to complete a rigorous PhD in counselor education and supervision in the midst of it all.  Education, training and life experience combined to create an expertise in human transformation.  I’m now a ‘wilderness’ guide, walking others through trauma recovery, grief, loss, and building identity. I also find myself shepherding adoptees who want to process the dynamics unique to us, which were swept under the rug when we were kids.   

I’ve developed a therapy model that is holistic – addressing body, soul and spirit.  We’re all aware now that ‘the body keeps the score’ so I make connections between the soul work we do and what is happening with the body.  My certification as a yoga instructor gives me tools for helping you reconnect to and regulate your body’s response to stress.  For those who are interested in a Christian perspective, I also explore how spiritual dynamics may be relevant to the soul issues we are addressing.  My faith as a follower of Christ is integral to who I am so I deeply respect that aspect in others – regardless of worldview.  Whatever your choice when it comes to faith and religion, my clients dictate how, when and if they want faith integrated into our work together.

I didn’t start my career in counseling though…I actually started in the corporate world.  I enjoyed successful ventures in banking, training & development, radio, bookkeeping and hospitality before I discovered therapy.  I completed a bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management, giving me the credentials I needed to get into grad school for counseling.  Volunteering my counseling services to college students led to a career in higher education where I developed the skills and tools for identifying purpose and choosing vocation, (which were put to good use later on teaching career development).  As a professor, teaching the multicultural competency course inspired me to pursue scholarly studies of the dynamics of culture – both personally and organizationally.   It has been a joy integrating my business background with counseling to help companies build healthy organizational culture. Throughout my career, life experiences have shaped my passions, learning and work.  

Outside the counseling room, I invest in partnerships that merge faith and psychology.  Coaching local leaders to build lay counseling ministries across the globe is how you will find me serving others.  Today, I am blessed to be in a healthy marriage.  We have a ‘spicy’ cat named Kameko.  I get excited about planning and running holistic retreats.  When I’m not at my desk, you can often find me working on an art project, listening to music, reading, watching something funny, hiking or traveling.  

Andrea’s License

Orlando, FL
(407) 476-6041

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